Boxing Drills to Gain Punches Power

10 Best Boxing Drills to Gain Punching Power

Gaining punching power is one of the most important skills for boxers to have and is frequently cited as the most important requirement for success in the sport. It allows you to get away from opponents in the ring and also allows you to finish fights quickly.

Many contend that the most important boxer attribute is punching power. Fortunately, fighters may effectively strengthen this crucial part of their performance with focused training using specific boxing drills to develop punching power.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the natural, explosive-hitting power that boxing icons like Mike Tyson, George Foreman, and Rocky Marciano do. For most boxers, developing punching power takes consistent practice and commitment. One bright spot, though, is that punching power is a quality that may be significantly improved with targeted boxing exercises.

What is Punch Power in Boxing?

In boxing, punch power is the boxer’s capacity to exert force during a punch. Some elements, including timing, strength, speed, and technique influence an opponent’s reaction to a punch.

More: 10 Best Ways to Improve Your Hand Speed in Boxing

10 Best Boxing Drills to Develop Punching Power

Before going into particular boxing drills to develop punch power, it is important to stress that improving technique is the key to making punches more effective. Boxing tactics are basic and have been for generations. When done correctly, they usually increase the power and speed of strikes.

Set out to improve your punching power by devoting yourself to honing your technique. Let’s get started right now with some crucial boxing drills for punch power:

1) Plyometric Pushups

Plyometric pushups are a great way to strengthen your arms, shoulders, and chest—important muscle groups—while also improving your punching power. This exercise is similar to a typical pushup, except at the end of each repetition, you push off the ground explosively.

This is an explanation of the task:

  • Put your hands shoulder-width apart and begin in a high plank stance to begin this boxing drill. Throughout, keep your core and abs firm.
  • As you would for a standard pushup, lower yourself, then push off the ground with force.
  • Think about giving yourself a clap as you launch yourself off the ground for more intensity.

2) Heavy Bag

When working on boxing drills to gain power, using a heavy bag helps you develop your hitting power. Before handling the bag, first, wrap your hands and put on boxing gloves.

Consider the heavy bag as a genuine opponent to get the most out of your workouts, and concentrate on using precise form the entire time. Punch the bag deliberately and precisely with each blow rather than aimlessly.

Using a heavy bag, start your boxing drills by punching for 15 seconds at a time, followed by 15 seconds of rest. This will help you increase punching power. Repeat this pattern for multiple rounds of three minutes each, pausing for one minute in between. When performing the drills, think about adding wrist weights for an extra challenge.

3) Shadowboxing

Even while shadowboxing might not seem like a straightforward way to improve punching power, it is a useful way to hone technique and execution, which eventually adds to punching strength.

You must include shadowboxing in your boxing drills because it allows you to focus on many aspects of boxing, such as technique improvement, footwork, head movement, and defensive strategies—all of which are critical components of punching power.

Under the supervision of a trainer, practice shadow boxing directly in front of a mirror to correct any form or movement errors for the best outcomes in boxing drills to gain punching power. You can practice shadowboxing on your own when you’ve learned the basics.

4) Medicine Ball Squats

Adding medicine ball squats to your boxing drills to gain punching power will help you develop explosive leg strength. Because leg strength accounts for a large amount of punching power, increasing explosiveness in this domain directly boosts punching power.

Notably, legendary strong hitters such as Mike Tyson frequently possessed extraordinarily well-developed leg muscles, demonstrating the significance of leg strength in punching power. Tyson’s leg strength is still outstanding even at fifty.

Use these strategies to include medicine ball squats into your boxing drills to gain punching power:

  • Take a squat with your back to the wall.
  • Using both hands, hold a medicine ball overhead or at chest height.
  • Once your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, lower yourself into a squat.
  • Launch the ball toward the wall as you come up out of the squat.
  • As the ball bounces back against the wall, retrieve it and repeat the exercise a few more times.

5) Chin-Ups

By focusing on muscles like the biceps, anterior deltoids, and pecs—muscles essential for producing punch force—chin-ups can be a useful addition to your boxing drills for power. The following is a chin-up technique:

  • Hold a pull-up bar with both hands, making sure your palms are pointing in your direction and shoulder width apart.
  • Pull your chest up toward the bar with your upper body and core engaged. You want to raise your chin over the bar.
  • To finish one repetition, slowly return to the starting position.

6) Box Of Rice

This is an unusual boxing drill that boxers use to increase their power while strengthening their hand structures to lessen the chance of injury during punches and giving you a way to monitor your progress:

  •  Get a bucket and fill it with either sand or rice (sand is better for beginners).
  •  Reach into the bucket with both hands and take a handful of rice in each.
  •  To let go of the handfuls of rice, rotate your wrists. Within five minutes, perform as many repetitions as possible while progressively stepping up the intensity.

7) Rotation Drills

It is crucial to rotate your body during strikes in boxing. This basic method increases the force of your blows. In boxing, mastery of this technique is essential since strikes that do not rotate their torsos have little to no power.

The force behind your punches is greatly increased when you maximize torque by rotating your body.

To use these boxing drills:

  •  Take a straight stance and raise a large medicine ball to your chest using both hands.
  •  Keep your arms straightened in front of you.
  •  Start moving your torso continuously in a left-to-right rotation.

8) Jump Squats

Jump squats are a great way to improve explosive strength in your glutes, thighs, and lower back while working on your boxing technique. They let you lift big weights without having to slow down between reps, unlike traditional squats.

Jump squats can be added to boxing drills to gain punching power:

  •  Start by squatting, making sure your feet are hip-width apart.
  • Push your hips back to lower yourself into a squat; if your flexibility allows, drop yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  •  To finish a repetition, leap skyward with an explosive upward explosion.
  •  If you’re new to the workout, begin with just your body weight and work your way up to use a medicine ball or barbell as your strength increases.

9) Speed Bag Drills

Speed bags can indirectly contribute to boxing drills to gain punching power by improving speed, a crucial component in raising punch force. Fundamental physics dictates that more speed equals greater impact force.

Speed bag training also improves punch accuracy by strengthening hand-eye coordination. For best results, time your boxing drills to consist of three-minute intervals with one-minute pauses in between to increase punching power.

10) Medicine Ball Throws

Boosting the power of your punching muscles and their explosive strength is essential for throwing more forceful punches.

Medicine ball throws offer a superb method for enhancing explosive strength, particularly in the upper body, as there is no deceleration in the movement.

This distinguishes plyometric exercises like medicine ball throws from weightlifting, as weightlifting necessitates decelerating motion during repetitions. Incorporating medicine ball throws significantly can contribute to your boxing drills to gain power.

Here’s how to execute medicine ball throws in boxing drills for punch power:

  • Begin by lying flat on your back, grasping a heavy medicine ball.
  • Hold the ball near your chest and forcefully propel it upward, pushing it away from your chest.
  • Catch the ball with both hands as it returns due to gravity, and repeat until reaching fatigue.

Alternatively, you can perform medicine ball throws while standing upright, a variation often preferred by boxers aiming to enhance punching power.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Commence by assuming your boxing stance while holding a medicine ball in the palm of one hand.
  • Project the ball forward by exerting force.
  • You can direct the throw towards a wall or a training partner for a return throw.
  • The crucial aspect of maximizing the benefits of this exercise is to mimic the motion of throwing a punch with each repetition.
  • This training is highly effective for enhancing boxing drills to gain punching power.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Which is Better, Punching Faster or Harder?

When doing boxing drills to improve striking power, it's important to understand the importance of both speed and power. Quick reflexes, dodging, and the ability to land blows before an opponent can defend themselves are all made possible by speed. On the other hand, power deals more harm with each strike. Competent fighters aim to strike a balance between the two, using power to seize opportunities and speed to create gaps for strong blows.

How do You Strike with Maximum Force?

When practicing boxing workouts, keep your fist relaxed to maximize air passage and deliver a tight blow for contact to improve your punching power. Make sure your arm travels straight instead of curved, and that the force coming from your hips and torso is applied to the movement of your arm as well.

Which Punching Method is the Strongest?

The two most powerful punches in boxing drills are the counter over hand, which throws maximum force when the opponent is caught mid-step during a jab or hook, and the uppercut, which works best when the opponent's head is sinking. These methods are essential for improving timing and hitting power during boxing training.

Is it Possible to Learn How to Withstand a Blow?

To improve your resistance to punches during boxing drills for punch power, you should think about include a variety of neck strengthening exercises in your training regimen. These workouts include neck circles with a tennis ball against a wall and weighted neck-ups. You may increase your durability and resilience in the ring by incorporating these drills.

Which Kind of Push-Ups Are Used by Boxers?

To improve their explosive power, boxers frequently use particular variants of push-ups, including clap push-ups, which are plyometric exercises. Clap push-ups can be made easier by modifying the movement by putting your knees on the floor rather than your feet. These variations on push-ups are a great addition to your boxing drills for punching power.


In conclusion, it’s critical to master a combination of boxing drills for punch power focusing on technique, strength, and speed to increase punching power in boxing.

Incorporating heavy bag work, plyometrics, shadow boxing, and strength training into an all-encompassing training regimen is crucial for developing the explosiveness, coordination, and muscle activation necessary for powerful blows.

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